Thursday, June 4, 2009

We had lunch with an old friend the other day, a mother of five year old twins. The conversation evolved into the consequences of a multiples pregnancy, specifically the after-effects on the mother's body after carrying more than one baby. It turns out that, after trying unsuccessfully to diet and excercise away the excess skin of her post-pregnancy abdomen, our friend's sister offered to pay for her to get an abdominoplasty, otherwise known as a tummy tuck. Our friend began to explore the options for Beverly Hills abdominoplasty and found a doctor to conduct the procedure.

Our friend had nothing but good things to say about her tummy tuck and was extremely happy with the results. She was feeling like her old self, once again liked the way she looked in the mirror. Most importantly, she also had more energy and enthusiasm for many things, including working out on a regular basis, something she did not enjoy before the surgery.

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